Aikenhead, Cipes & Supanich, A Los Angeles Law Firm Handling Estates, Real Estate, And Business Matters.
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Aikenhead, Cipes & Supanich -- Non-profit Corporation Formation and Representation

Non-Profit Corporation Formation and Representation

In addition to helping create the legal structure for non-profit organizations and helping them file for tax-exempt status, we also assist non-profits in their general operations, determining policy, and establishing affiliations with other non-profits. In recognition of their contribution to our community, we offer non-profit organizations reduced rates for legal services. The attorneys at the law firm of Aikenhead, Cipes & Supanich, we counsel all types of non-profits. Among our clients are non-profits which promote tourism and convention business in Los Angeles, as well as religious organizations and schools.

A non-profit corporation is one formed for purposes other than generating a profit and in which no part of the organization's income is distributed to its directors or officers or shareholders. Non-profit corporations are formed under state law. A non-profit corporation can be a school, charity, medical provider, legal aid society, volunteer services organization, professional association, research institute, museum, church or church association or in some cases a sports association.

Non-profits also include mutual benefit associations, such as trade organizations and condominium owners associations. These non-profits are not always exempt from income tax and contributions to them are not always deductible.

The legal issues facing a non-profit organization are often similar to those of for-profit entities. These include employment issues, contracts and leases, and regulatory and finance issues. However, when counseling non-profit entities, an attorney must be sensitive to differences in corporate governance and the fiduciary obligations of officers and directors. For example, the fiduciary obligation of a non-profit board are different from those of a for-profit board of directors.

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